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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Manipulative Me

what do I own
what is owned by others
suspecting some inevitable crossover

I said how I felt to ease my own  snarl and others noticed and loved
I felt power and shame
shame that I scare people
shame that people worry for me
power that what i said caused someone to notice
shame rinses away the love
shame is the straightener
shame cuts and hones itself

worry and love
either skims over treacherous airs and waters
i the perfect skipping stone
i miss (escape?)  purchase
i elude capture
capture could prove better
but is clearly chance-ridden

so elusion and ill-usion remain

1 comment:

  1. Nice poetic work.
    But you manipulative? Pffffft!!!!!! Sorry I missed you while you were in town. Mom said you were busy busy busy but it sounds like y'all had a marvellous time!
