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Monday, January 30, 2012

Flood Warning

woke up with another bad headache, it's ridiculous how I always spend time pondering whether to just try and sleep it off, that NEVER works, so anyways I did take some meds. Maybe the higher effexor dose is too high.

I just completed a pre-blog survey and unsurprisingly, it was triggering for me. I think the most accurate emotional descriptor I could use is blocked (haha first I wrote blogged, thank you Mr. Freud [sorry, Prof/Dr.]) and with blocked there is no movement, no sensation, have to dig to get at things, I think this writing becomes akin to digging out what I am feeling. Because the longer, even the faster I write (with concomitant typos of course) I get to feeling faster, and the tears come the blissful (sort of) flooding, the
ebbing, I have constructed a sandbag facade and have worked years to have it take hold and hold fast but I can still,eventually get the feelings to crest above and beyond. Despite this concrete(wet concrete to be sure) evidence of sadness, I STILL question, why, how come? Why so much, have I not reached the end of tears? What the hell indeed. I'm still and maybe forever, on flood watch and when I write it's inevitably flood warning. I should not read the news for starters.

I have been googling funny things, things, images, quotes that make me laugh and I feel like it such a pathetic waste of time, but it makes me laugh, where I often wonder at my ability to appreciate humour anymore. It's one of the first things I lost, or rather mislaid, because it returns in bits, I see it first in my response to others'  humor, but once in a while now I say funny things, I used to be known as being funny, Now I feel like I am just a perpetual drag, the dearth of incoming phone calls that are for me (and not computer  generated).

No one calls me. I feel so lonely, I feel a failure at just being human (ahh here they come, the tears) The trigger of acknowledging how lonely,I feel, and I do it to myself I know...

There was a pause, there, I had a pretty "good" (funny, yet commonly used adjective, weird I think) cry, then sudden cessation. And I feel ashamed, I was completely alone, no dog, no husband and I felt like  I needed to hide, I pulled my shirt up over my face, who was I hiding from, yeesh.

Now my husband and dog are back from their morning walk and I was hosing off the dog, he is a gift and a challenge, a good challenge, I forces me to focus to stand up for myself. I'll walk him this afternoon, it will be low tide, perhaps I will beach comb.


  1. I am so sorry that you are dealing with these ups and downs right now. I can relate to a lot of what you wrote it. I'm always asking when will the tears finally run out, and I definitely feel like I'm on flood watch. I'm glad that you have your dog. I hear they are like mini-counselors :) Thinking of you, and I hope the tears run out eventually and are replaced with many more laughs!

    1. Thank you! I have hope they will. Peace to you.


    I was just at this blog (she's well worth following, by the way) and she has this video posted and I wasn't going to click on it because who's got the time? But I did play on it and it put this ridiculously happy smile on my face. Have look-see. See if you don't feel like dancing around your own grocery store!!!!


  3. And then there's Daisy the Curly Cat, which is just weird but strangely hypnotic.

    1. Thanks Cath. One of my art [project ideas is to dress like a superhero adn run aorund a grocery store helping people reach things, etc

  4. Failure at being human. Beautifully said. And understood.

    The survey was somewhat triggering for me as well. But the buildup was from a trigger, so it was just an addition. And the writing started out emotional but cleared up a bit. It usually does for me.

    I love this descriptive post. I think you capture that feeling of isolation and stuck so well.

    I hope it is better now. Found you through Cat's blogroll.

    1. Thanks missrobin. I hope it is better for you too.
